I teach and research about the ways in which we can understand and act on our individual and collective impacts on the environment. What are the ways in which lifestyles can be changed so that we don’t damage our natural environment and yet still improve wellbeing? What values do we need to bring to bear in order to live sustainably on the Earth? What are the policies and forms of governance in business, communities and public sector that can support sustainable living?
I’m a lecturer and research at the University of Surrey’s Centre for Environment and Sustainability. My main project is in the ESRc programme CUSP, led by Prof. Tim Jackson, on understanding sustainable prosperity. Before becoming a full-time academic in 2011 I spent many years in the public sector (local and central government), business and NGOs, working in a variety of roles on environmental policy and sustainable development, and also on projects concerning innovation, corporate social responsibility and planning. I’m a Fellow of WWF-UK, an associate of the think-tank Green Alliance, a trustee of the New Economics Foundation, and an environmental advisor in the Church of England.