Maria Alejandra C. Madi holds a PhD in Economics and a MA in Philosophy. Her academic career includes a long-term professorship at UNICAMP and visiting professorships at the University of Manitoba and Kassel. In addition to her research interest on the financial challenges of globalisation, her line of investigation includes the philosophy of science at the Center for Pragmatism Studies (Brazil). She is currently member of the board of the Green Economics Institute (UK), Chair of the World Economics Association Online Conference Program (UK), Editor of the WEA Books Conference Series and of the WEA Pedagogy Blog. She co-edited some of The Green Economics Institute books, including The Greening of Global Finance and Values, Valuation and Valuing. She also co-edited some of the World Economics Association books: Ideas towards a new international financial architecture? and Capital and Justice. Her latest authored books include Small Business in Brazil: competitive global challenges and Pluralist Readings in Economics: key-concepts and policy-tools for the 21st century. Her latest co-authored book is Introducing a New Economics: Pluralist, Sustainable and Progressive. She is also Assistant Editor of the International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education and Co-editor-in-Chief of The Open Journal of Economics and Finance.