Sciences Economiques et Sociales | University of Paris, Panthéon-Sorbonne - PEP - Promoting Economic Pluralism
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Sciences Economiques et Sociales | University of Paris, Panthéon-Sorbonne

The M2-CEES (Chargés d’études et de recherche économiques et sociales) is one of the 6 degrees of the second year of the Master SES of Panthéon-Sorbonne University. The M2-CEES programme trains multi-disciplinary researchers with a dual competence in political economy and sociology and the ability to carry out quantitative and qualitative studies.

How does the programme provide content to ensure students achieve an understanding of a reasonably diverse set of perspectives on understanding economies?

The Master 2 CEES programme combines sociology and political economy (socioeconomics, institutionalism, marxian approaches, political economy, critical organisations analysis,...) perspectives in five areas: Family and living conditions, Social protection, Health, Work and employment, City and housing. Each area is taught by pairs of teachers from both disciplines (economists, sociologists) and other social scientists  from different schools of thought are invited to present their work. 
Students are free to choose a tutor of their choice for their master's thesis in the discipline and theoretical/methodological orientation of their choice.

How does the programme ensure students understand the interaction between economic and ecological systems?

The issue of the environment and ecology is of primary importance for many teachers in the Master's programme. No course is exclusively dedicated to ecological questions, but this topic is studied in some of them, for example in the seminar “building socioeconomic indicators”.

How does the programme ensure students understand how to critically explore real-world evidence, both qualitative and quantitative?

The Master 2 CEES programme includes a strong empirical dimension. An important part of it is dedicated to the reinforcement of the technical, critical and reflexive skills necessary for the construction, collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. Students thus carry out personal works in the following seminars: Data sources, Survey methods, Qualitative techniques (interview, focus group, observation), Quantitative techniques (descriptive statistics, A.C.P., regression, logit, duration models, introduction to statistical software including SAS), construction of economic and social indicators. All thess skills are furthermore constantly applied in other courses.

What pedagogical approaches does the programme use to ensure that students examine the historical context, assumptions and values in all economic thinking?

Taking into account the socio-historical context, the assumptions role and the values embedded in every social research is at the very core of the Master’s DNA. No economic and social issue is ever addressed without seriously examining these dimensions. For example, student never study socioeconomic indicators without questioning, in a political economy perspective, when, by who, for whom, where, what for, how, with which effects … they were developed.

How does the department ensure that the teaching culture and capacity to deliver economic pluralism are continually improving?

Pluralism of disciplines, methods and theories is a constitutive element of this master. In addition to what has been said above, we invite a multitude of researchers and research officers to present their work and we pay particular attention to their plurality (plurality of approaches, methods, themes, institutions, …). 
Throughout the training, students are invited to work in small groups. They have to carry out several projects and are involved in seminars development in several ways.

Other information:

The Master 2 CEES (Chargés d’études et de recherche économiques et sociales) is one of the 6 degrees of the second year of the Master in socio economics (Master SES) of Panthéon-Sorbonne University. 
The first year (which is common to all the degrees) contains a lecture in quantitative methods where students conduct a quantitative study by applying the methods they have learned to a real database, a lecture in history of economic thought, another one in philosophy and epistemology of economics, four lectures in applied economics (contemporary economic issues, social protection, labor socioeconomics, crisis and distribution) which cross a plurality of theoretical approaches and four different lectures in sociology (economical sociology, behavior sociology, sociology of institutions, political sociology).

Aïda Benkirane


Excellent degree with strong theoretical and practical courses that leaves students with both operational knowledge for the workplace and necessary background for research. We can develop our critical thinking, technical abilities and a multidisciplinary perspective. I would warmly recommend.

Faustin Barbe


The Master 2 CEES of the University Panthéon-Sorbonne offers theoretical courses covering various themes, allowing to broaden and consolidate its general culture. These theoretical lessons are balanced with methodological lessons, to give meaning to the lessons. The educational framework allows students to flourish in a context that is both benevolent and rigorous.

Maël Le Berre


Very interesting degree, with economic and sociology courses and also some courses about qualitative and quantitative methods. All courses are deliver in french (at least until 2018). Each promotion are quite small (around twenty persons). The atmosphere in the degree is also good. Graduated labor insertion too (at least until covid-19 crisis).

Antonia Tchakounte


I would definitely recommend this degree, very furnished courses with competent, supportive and caring teachers, and a very profitable multidisciplinary approach to social and economic subjects. Suitable to students with either a professionnal or a research perspective.

Guillaume Chuvin


Excellent degree which prepare as much for research as for work in public action, consulting, etc, with teaching about methodologies (statisitcs, sociological interview) and "thematic knowledge" : economic and sociology classes axed on labor, care system, and more globaly public policies.




University of Paris, Panthéon-Sorbonne

Course name:

Sciences Economiques et Sociales


Course level:

Taught Masters

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Sciences Economiques et Sociales | University of Paris, Panthéon-Sorbonne

Sciences Economiques et Sociales