Expertise: Economic Strategy; Equity and Fairness; Institutional and Cultural Change;
Wolfram, born in 1950, has been Professor of Economics at University of Bremen, Germany, since 1995. He studied economics at the University of Cologne. After having received his PhD (1977) and �venia legendi� (�Habilitation�, 1985) at the University of Bielefeld, he worked as a head of regional economic development at city level (1986-1990) and as a Director of the Planning Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the State of Bremen, and the State Government�s economic research institute (1990-1995).
After his appointment to professor in 1995, he continued working as a state advisor for industrial restructuration, with a focus on the defence industries in the state of Bremen until 2001. He was president of the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE), 2012-2016.
He has affiliations at the University of Missouri�Kansas City and Jilin University, Changchun, China, and taught and researched at several universities in Europe, the USA, and Australia. He is on the editorial boards of a number of academic journals, has been on a number committees of academic associations in the USA and Europe, edited many books and book series, published many articles in numerous journals on local and regional development, clusters and networks, and related complexity issues, and is managing editor of the US-based Forum for Social Economics.